Rebecca Bullard

Rebecca Bullard

Docteur en littérature anglaise, Junior Research Fellow, Merton College, Oxford

Rebecca Bullard works on the literary culture of seventeenth and eighteenth century England. Her current research project focuses on the concept of 'the gathered text'.


Publications significatives

University Library, MS

2008: ‘Textual disruption in Anna Trapnel’s Report and Plea (1654)’. The Seventeenth Century 23:1 (Spring 2008), pp. 34-53.

2009: The Politics of Disclosure, 1674-1725: Secret History Narratives. London: Pickering and Chatto.

2010: ‘”A bright Coelestiall mind”: a new set of writings by Lady Dorothy Browne (1621-85)’, The Huntington Library Quarterly.

2010: ‘Politics, Secret History and the Novel’, The Oxford Handbook of the Eighteenth-Century Novel, ed. J. A. Downie, Oxford University Press, à paraître.